We are very proud of Cardon Construction’s continued “green” efforts to improve our carbon footprint and to minimise our impact on the environment. Led by our Managing Director, our green initiatives have now become a routine part of our project and office activities. From the design and planning stage, we look to ensure our projects leave as little a carbon footprint as possible. From the beginning of 2018, all our projects have been part of the Considerate Constructors Scheme ensuring we have been seeking sustainable solutions, minimising waste, the impact of vibration, air, light and noise pollution. Plus, protecting the ecology, the landscape, wildlife, vegetation and watercourses.
Cardon Property & Construction recognises the importance of the environment and the effect that carbon emissions have on it. We comply with all regulations, legislation and approved codes of practice relating to the processes and activities which the company undertakes. We will carry out all reasonably practicable steps to improve the environment in and around our projects to improve environmental performance.
Our aims will be, wherever possible to:
- Reduce the amount of waste that we produced.
- Limit noise in and around our projects.
- Promote and use recyclable and sustainable materials or methods of working.
- Reduce the amount of electricity, gas, petrol/diesel and water used in all our project and at our offices.
- Carry out and review all our risk assessments to ensure the safety of our staff.
- Assess the environmental impact our activities have on the environment and to ensure best practice wherever is reasonably practicable.
- Create awareness for all employees, site-based operatives, sub-contractors or any other person working with or on any of Cardon Construction projects through regular briefings and review meetings.